What is the ABSC?

One of the challenges of bedding and mattress sustainability is what to do with a mattress once it reaches the end of its life. Approximately 1.8 million mattresses are sent to landfill every year in Australia, and many more are dumped illegally.

The Australian Bedding Stewardship Council was founded to deal with these problems. The ABSC works with Government bodies, manufacturers, supply chain, retailers and recyclers to find better solutions. Their aim is to move towards a ‘circular economy’, where mattresses are designed, manufactured and distributed in greener ways, while collection and recycling processes are maximised.

Recycle my mattress

One of the ABSC’s programs is Recycle My Mattress, an initiative that is designed to help you be a part of the solution from purchasing to recycling. 

Their website displays a list of responsible manufacturers and helps you to find a participating retailer in your area. They also help you to find an accredited mattress recycler (such as Soft Landing) to book a mattress collection.

Sealy and the ABSC

At Sealy, we are proud to be listed as a responsible manufacturer and an official member of the ABSC. We share a commitment to sustainability, innovation and education in the mattress and bedding industry. As a key member on the ABSC Board, we are excited to help guide the industry forward.